Monday, April 23, 2012

An Ode to BGC Feb 2012

Hey you guys.  I miss all of you so much, I miss being in the art room with you and listening to all the chatter and the giggles, I miss listening to everyone sharing the inner-most sanctum of themselvs at red carpet, I miss the love and support that we all gave one another, the hugs, the tears, the communial box of tissues, I miss the whole vibe that surrounded the Brave Girls Cabin.

I have sat here at my computer, quitely keeping up to date with everyones busy lives, being spiritually inspired and uplifted everytime one us reaches out and so many of us reach back grab hold and hug the spook right out of what ever is taking hold at the time.  Well in a sense I think I am reaching out, but not in the customary fashion.  I just feel that I need to “speak” my thoughts out loud because they are becoming so jumbled in my head.

I believe I suffer Melancholy, on a regular basis, and I’m there now.

Do you know that the Thesaurus gives the following as replacement words for Melancholy:  Sad, Depressed, Downhearted, Miserable, Down, Low, Glum, Gloomy, Unhappy, Despondet, Dejected, Dismal, Down in the Dumps, Sadness, Unhappiness, Dejection, Sorrow, Downheartedness, Depression, Gloominess, Despondency, The Blues… I’m sure the list could go on and on - man am I exhausted from feeling like that.

I don’t have the wonderful community here in NZ that I had there with you guys, there is no one I can call in the middle of the night, someone who I can just say “hey you want to do coffee”, and everytime I read that some of you are getting together (which I totally think is so awesome) my heart breaks a little more because I can’t have that too.  Sometimes a hug heals 100% more than words on a page and I am such a tactile person. 

When I came back from camp I felt so alive, I was UNCAGED and ready to take on my new life, I was going to make all these changes to my life – for the better – and I was going to finally live the life I wanted to live, I felt the fear but I was going to do it anyway.  Then reality hit, “life” came home and I got the mega blues and I have been trying to rid myself of it ever since. 

I knew what I wanted, where I wanted my life to head but now that I am on the outside of my cage, I have no friggin idea how to get it, I don’t even know how to take one tiny baby step towards it, so I sit here in my big office chair leaning back and doing… absolutely nothing…. except feed the dispair. 

The real stupid thing is, my eyes are wide open, I know I am on the outside of my cage, I know that I am loved and supported and brave and can do it anyway, I’ve done the program and bought the t-shirt, but I just can’t step away from the cage because I don’t know which way to step. 

It’s like walking in the desert, sand everywhere but then you come across an oasis, beautiful, full of promise, fresh water, big flowing tents, wonderful food, beautiful people and for a short but amazing time you are revived of your thurst, and your hunger, and you set off on your journey full of promise, with a little more knowledge then when you arrived.  But now you find yourself back in the desert, and even though there is slightly a little more greenery now, you still have no idea in what direction to go, you know in a north east south west sort of way but you don’t have a compass so your not sure which is which.  Does that make sense?

All I do know is that I was told several times to share my thoughts and so I finally listened and each day I will continue to ask which way, and each day I will try to quite my mind and listen, and hopefully soon he will tell me/guide me/sign me, so that I can get out of this Melancholy desert and live the life I’m suppose to live.


  1. Oh my sweet Kiwi girl!! You are so very normal!! and in good company!! I feel I'm with you in the valley...but I want you to know that you are so Loved! and appreciated! and admired! It's not easy to let others know your depths of feeling...but I am so glad you did, and so proud of you. It is just a season. You will get through it. It is difficult and sometimes heart-rending when we see when others are getting together and it is not possible to be there too..I sooo want to go to the retreat in November with the other gals...but it's not possible for me either...and there's an empty spot where the "belonging box" should be...We have to HOLD ON to HOPE...and find ways to make ourselves belong...You belong dear girl in my Friend House...You belong in my creative girl house...You belong in my Brave and Fun and Beautiful House...and we'll just have to perhaps try for once a year hugs? (I'm on the list for BGC Feb 2013--how about you?)Keep making your beautiful art...your journals are your key to hearing your soul voice...Teach a class and share your beauty (inside and out!) and you will find/create other like-minded souls! NZ needs you baby!!!!

    1. Thank you Frankie, I am so touched by what you have said. I am big on HOPE, so I will hold on baby. I really hope I can go to BGC 2013 but just not sure when because of the cost from here but I'm going to put it out there and see where it leads. Can you hear that knocking, that's me at your front door - one day my friend.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I think we all do at one time or another. Especially after camp. It is so hard to be living so far away from your NEW family. This is when the we have to cling on to our truth. The truth is that you DO live far away... The truth is you are loved so much. You have so much to give us all... Keep up with your blog and your art.... It fills your soul and it fills ours also. Try to do something each day that makes you happy. For me my "happy" is usually something very small.. I am thanking God for my FB community so many days. Wish we were having coffee today! I would hug you... That my brave girl would make me so happy! I love you.

    1. Patrice you beautiful beautiful soul, thank you so much for your wonderful words. I'm not sure if you realise how much hearing from you makes me beam with sunshine. If I was asked to pick a mentor, I would pick you, thank you so much. One small thing everyday, got it, might start with a bucket list with *cash in on hug from Patrice* as one of my top items.

  3. Aw, Kim I wish that when we get together for coffee, that every one of you Brave girls could be there with us. But know that we are thinking about all of you...and especially our sweet dear friend so very far away!
    I understand the melancholy...which sounds so much nicer than than the ungly word(depression)by the way. The doubts creep in...the worry, and the fear creeps in. At least that's how it is for me. But we must try to do something to push them back...create something lovely, read a good book, or uplifting blogs, maybe a FB chat with one of us BG's that is so far in miles, but not in our hearts...Love you, Nat

  4. Kim .. I know words are not the same as a hug. I would love to have coffee with you anytime. We could chat by phone with coffee inhand, or on messanger or skype. Call me in the middle of the night. You are so loved by me Mikel
